Slides of my lecture on The Widgetized Self

Here are the slides of the lecture I gave at Mediamatic in Amsterdam yesterday titled ‘The Widgetized Self. Distributed identity and the role of software-engine relations in blogging.’

Easy embedding of the slideshow thanks to Joost de Valk’s great SlideShare WordPress plugin.

3 thoughts on “Slides of my lecture on The Widgetized Self

  1. Hi Anne,
    Thanks for sharing your nice slides!

    I am studying Social Network Sites for my thesis right now, I think your slides would work perfectly for presentation of the self whithin SNSs as well.

    There are few differences like the fact that blogs are not a closed environment and SNSs are and that within SNSs you don’t firstly blog but you friend (from the verb : to friend).
    In Social Network Sites search engine are less influent tough. If you blog for Google for whom you friend? It is what I would like to see…

    Anyway I think blogs and SNSs are two ways of a distribuited presentation of the self online. Even if very different. What do you think of the differences and the relation between these two forms of presentation?

    Take care

  2. You raise some interesting questions Marina, especially for whom you friend. This is particularly interesting in the light of the distinction that researchers make in Friends and friends. Friends (with capital F) are often referred to as “offline” friends and friends (with lowercase f) are referred to as “online” friends, see:
    boyd, d. m., & Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), article 11.

    I think widgets play a key role in the distributed self in both blogs and social networking sites. The closed environment of social networking sites raises the question if the popular Facebook Applications relate to the distributed self, and if so, how?

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