Helmond, A., & van der Vlist, F. (2024). Platform: A Tapestry of Meanings and Metaphors. In J. Farkas & M. Maloney (Eds.), Digital Media Metaphors (1st ed., pp. 24–38). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781032674612-4 [Final author’s version PDF]
Mollen, A., Jansen, F., Keilbach, J., Brodie, P., Jancovic, M., Helmond, A., Crosera, A., Velkova, J., Ochner, V., & Maxigas, M. (2024). Governing Digital Infrastructures for a Secure and Sustainable Future. SSRN. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4879449 [open access]
van der Vlist, F., Helmond, A., & Ferrari, F. (2024). Big AI: Cloud infrastructure dependence and the industrialisation of artificial intelligence. Big Data & Society, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517241232630 [open access]
van der Vlist, F. N., Helmond, A., Dieter, M., & Weltevrede, E. (2024). Super-appification: Conglomeration in the global digital economy. New Media and Society, 1–24. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448231223419 [open access]
Cristofari, G. (Ed.), & Helmond, A. (2023). The Politics of Platformization: Amsterdam Dialogues on Platform Theory. Institute of Network Cultures. https://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/the-politics-of-platformization-amsterdam-dialogues-on-platform-thoery/ [open access]
Helmond, A., & van der Vlist, F. (2023). Situating the Marketization of Data. In Situating Data: Inquiries in Algorithmic Culture (pp. 279–286). (MediaMatters). Amsterdam University Press. https://doi.org/10.5117/9789463722971_ch17 [open access]
Paßmann, J., Helmond, A., & Jansma, R. (2023). From healthy communities to toxic debates: Disqus’ changing ideas about comment moderation. Internet Histories, 7(1), 6-26. https://doi.org/10.1080/24701475.2022.2105123 [open access]
Stevenson, M., Helmond, A., Brügger, N. (Ed.), & Goggin, G. (2022). The historical trajectories of algorithmic techniques: an interview with Bernhard Rieder. In Oral Histories of the Internet and the Web: An Introduction (pp. 179-188). Routledge.
Poell, T., Nieborg, D., van Dijck, J., Caplan, R., Helmond, A., van der Vlist, F., Chen, J. Y., & Plantin, J.-C. (2022). LOCATING AND THEORIZING PLATFORM POWER. AoIR – Selected Papers of Internet Research, 2022. https://doi.org/10.5210/spir.v2022i0.12965 [open access]
Paßmann, J., Gerzen, L., Helmond, A., & Jansma, R. (2022). Formular und digitaler Paratext. Geschichte des Facebook-Accountnamens. In P. Plener, N. Werber, & B. Wolf (Eds.), Das Formular (pp. 307-324). (AdminiStudies. Formen und Medien der Verwaltung; Vol. 1). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-64084-5_19 [open access]
van der Vlist, F. N., Helmond, A., Burkhardt, M., & Seitz, T. (2022). API Governance: The Case of Facebook’s Evolution. Social Media + Society, 8(2), 1–24. https://doi.org/10.1177/20563051221086228 [open access]
Dieter, M., Tkacz, N., van der Vlist, F., Weltevrede, E., & Helmond, A. (2021). Pandemic platform governance: Mapping the global ecosystem of COVID-19 response apps. Internet Policy Review, 10(3), 1-28. https://doi.org/10.14763/2021.3.1568 [open access]
van der Vlist, F., & Helmond, A. (2021). How partners mediate platform power: Mapping business and data partnerships in the social media ecosystem. Big Data & Society, 8(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517211025061 [open access]
Helmond, A., & van der Vlist, F. N. (2021). Platform and App Histories: Assessing Source Availability in Web Archives and App Repositories. In D. Gomes, E. Demidova, J. Winters, & T. Risse (Eds.), The Past Web: Exploring Web Archives (pp. 203–214). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-63291-5_16 Available at: https://dspace.library.uu.nl/bitstream/handle/1874/420202/Helmond_VanDerVlist2021_Chapter_PlatformAndAppHistoriesAssessi.pdf?sequence=1
Senftleben, M. R. F., van Gompel, S. J., Helmond, A., Schumacher, L. D., Ausloos, J., van Hoboken, J. V. J., & Quintais, J. P. (2021). Webharvesting. (WODC rapport 3142). Universiteit van Amsterdam – Instituut voor Informatierecht (IVIR). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12832/3119 [open access]
Stevenson, M., & Helmond, A. (2020). The historical trajectories of algorithmic techniques: an interview with Bernhard Rieder. Internet Histories, 105-114. https://doi.org/10.1080/24701475.2020.1723345
Stevenson, M., & Helmond, A. (2020). Legacy systems: internet histories of the abandoned, discontinued and forgotten. Internet Histories, 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1080/24701475.2020.1725854
Gerlitz, C. (Guest ed.), Helmond, A. (Guest ed.), Nieborg, D. (Guest ed.), & van der Vlist, F. (Guest ed.) (2019). Apps and Infrastructures. Computational Culture: A Journal of Software Studies, (7). http://computationalculture.net/issue-seven/ [open access]
Nieborg, D. B., & Helmond, A. (2019). The political economy of Facebook’s platformization in the mobile ecosystem: Facebook Messenger as a platform instance. Media, culture & society. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443718818384 [open access]
Helmond, A. (2019). A Plataformização da Web. In Métodos Digitais: Teoria-Prática-Crítica (pp. 49-72).
Helmond, A., & van der Vlist, F. N. (2019). Social Media and Platform Historiography: Challenges and Opportunities. TMG – Journal for Media History, 22(1), 6–34. https://doi.org/10.18146/tmg.434 [open access]
Gerlitz, C., Helmond, A., van der Vlist, F. N., & Weltevrede, E. (2019). Regramming the Platform: Infrastructural Relations between Apps and Social Media. Computational Culture: A Journal of Software Studies, 7. http://computationalculture.net/regramming-the-platform/ [open access]
Gerlitz, C. (Guest ed.), Nieborg, D. B. (Guest ed.), van der Vlist, F. N. (Guest ed.), & Helmond, A. (2019). Apps and Infrastructures: A Research Agenda. Computational Culture: A Journal of Software Studies, (7). http://computationalculture.net/apps-and-infrastructures-a-research-agenda/ [open access]
Helmond, A., Nieborg, D. B., & van der Vlist, F. N. (2019). Facebook’s evolution: Development of a platform-as-infrastructure. Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society, 3(2), 123–146. https://doi.org/10.1080/24701475.2019.1593667 [open access]
Dieter, M. J., Gerlitz, C., Helmond, A., Tkacz, N., van der Vlist, F. N., & Weltevrede, E. J. T. (2019). Multi-Situated App Studies: Methods and Propositions. Social Media + Society, 5(2), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1177/2056305119846486 [open access]
Bucher T and Helmond A (2018) The Affordances of Social Media Platforms. In: Burgess J, Poell T, and Marwick A (eds) The SAGE Handbook of Social Media. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 233–253. [author pre-print PDF]
Dieter M, Gerlitz C, Helmond A, et al. (2018) Store, interface, package, connection: Methods and propositions for multi-situated app studies. CRC Media of Cooperation Working Paper Series 4, Working Paper, 30 August. Collaborative Research Center 1187 Media of Cooperation: University of Siegen. Available at: bit.ly/wps1187-4. [open access]
Helmond A (2018) A Historiography of the Hyperlink: Periodizing the Web Through the Changing Role of the Hyperlink. In: Brügger N and Milligan I (eds) The SAGE Handbook of Web History. London, UK: SAGE Publications, pp. 227–241. [author pre-print PDF]
Helmond A (2018) Anne Helmond on Researching the History of the Web. TMG Journal for Media History 21(2). 2. Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision: 158–162. DOI: 10.18146/2213-7653.2018.373. [open access]
Helmond A (2017) Historical website ecology. Analyzing past states of the web using archived source code. In: Brügger N (ed.) Web 25: Histories from the First 25 Years of the World Wide Web. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, pp. 139–155. [author pre-print PDF]
Helmond A, Nieborg DB and van der Vlist FN (2017) The Political Economy of Social Data: A Historical Analysis of Platform-Industry Partnerships. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Social Media & Society, New York, NY, USA, 2017, p. 38:1-38:5. #SMSociety17. ACM. DOI: 10.1145/3097286.3097324. [author pre-print PDF]
van der Vlist FN and Helmond A (2017) Speculative data selfies. Internet Policy Review. Available at: https://policyreview.info/articles/news/speculative-data-selfies/449. [open access]
Gerlitz C, van der Vlist FN, Helmond A, et al. (2016) App support ecologies: An empirical investigation of app-platform relations. In: Infrastructures of Publics – Publics of Infrastructures, First Annual Conference 2016 of the DFG Collaborative Research Centre 1187 ‘Media of Cooperation’, Artur-Woll-Haus, University of Siegen, Germany, 8 December 2016. Available at: http://bit.ly/app-support-ecologies. [open access]
Berry DM, Borra E, Helmond A, et al. (2015) The Data Sprint Approach: Exploring the field of Digital Humanities through Amazon’s Application Programming Interface. Digital Humanities Quarterly 9(3). Available at: http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/9/3/000222/000222.html. [open access]
Helmond A (2015) The Platformization of the Web: Making Web Data Platform Ready. Social Media + Society 1(2): 1–11. DOI: 10.1177/2056305115603080. [open access]
Helmond A (2015) The web as platform: Data flows in social media. Ph.D. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Available at: http://dare.uva.nl/record/1/485895. [open access]
Dacal D, Dancheva K, Gerlitz C, et al. (2015) The Tracker Guide to the Cloud. Digital Methods Initiative. Design by: A Brunetti and G Colombo. Available at: https://issuu.com/fginoponoo/docs/tracker-a3-cs6_v2.
Helmond A (2014a) ‘Raw data’ is an oxymoron. Information, Communication & Society 17(9): 1171–1173. DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2014.920042. [postprint pdf]
Helmond A (2014b) The new Facebook data policy: like or dislike? Internet Policy Review. Available at: https://policyreview.info/articles/news/new-facebook-data-policy-or-dislike/341. [open access]
Weltevrede E, Helmond A and Gerlitz C (2014) The Politics of Real-time: A Device Perspective on Social Media Platforms and Search Engines. Theory, Culture & Society 31(6): 125–150. DOI: 10.1177/0263276414537318. [postprint pdf]
Gerlitz C and Helmond A (2013) The Like economy: Social buttons and the data-intensive web. New Media & Society 15(8): 1348–1365. DOI: 10.1177/1461444812472322. [author deposition PDF]
Helmond A (2013) The Algorithmization of the Hyperlink. Computational Culture (3). Available at: http://computationalculture.net/article/the-algorithmization-of-the-hyperlink. [open access]
Helmond A (2012) The Like Economy: The Politics of Data and Dataflows in the Social Web. In: Proceedings BOBCATSSS 2012 – 20th International Conference on Information Science, Bad Honnef, 23 January 2012, pp. 10–13. Bock+Herchen Verlag. [pdf]
Weltevrede E and Helmond A (2012) Where do bloggers blog? Platform transitions within the historical Dutch blogosphere. First Monday 17(2). DOI: 10.5210/fm.v17i2.3775. [open access]
Helmond A and Gerlitz C (2011) Hit, Link, Like and Share. Organizing the social and the fabric of the web in a Like economy. In: Digital Methods Winter School Mini-Conference 2011, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 24 January 2011. [PDF].
Helmond A (2010) Identity 2.0: Constructing identity with cultural software. In: Digital Methods Winter School Mini-Conference 2010, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 20 January 2010. Available at: [PDF].
Helmond A (2009) Lifetracing. The Traces of a Networked Life. In: Thorington H, Navas E, and Green J-A (eds) Networked: A (Networked_book) about (Networked_art). Roslindale, MA: Turbulence. [link]
Helmond A (2008) Blogging for engines. Blogs under the influence of software-engine relations. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Available at: http://www.annehelmond.nl/2008/09/23/blogging-for-engines-blogs-under-the-influence-of-software-engine-relations/.
Other publications
Digital Methods Initiative (2015). “Field Guide to Online Trackers.” Entry to the Crypto Design Award challenge, Museum of the Image, Breda, 2015.
Digital Methods Initiative (2009). ‘The Nationalities of Issues: Rights Types.’ Global Information Society Watch 2009. [blog post]
Helmond, Anne (2009). ‘Practice-based research in the arts. Henk Borgdorff, based on an interview with Anne Helmond.’ Mapping E-Culture (ed. Cathy Brickwood). Virtueel Platform: Amsterdam. [pdf]
Helmond, Anne (2009). ‘Patching Zone: Collaborative practice and practice-based research. Anne Nigten, based on an interview with Anne Helmond.’ Mapping E-Culture (ed. Cathy Brickwood). Virtueel Platform: Amsterdam. [pdf]
Helmond, Anne (2009). ‘The Chinese Dream. Alex Adriaansens, based on an interview with Anne Helmond.’ Mapping E-Culture (ed. Cathy Brickwood). Virtueel Platform: Amsterdam, 2009. [pdf]