Thank you Twitter, for showing my tweets in search again

A few weeks ago I noticed during the BrightNight event that my tweets did not appear in the backchannel. After extensively searching the Twitter Support pages on ‘Tweets Not In Search/Hashtags not working‘ I found out that for some reason Twitter had blocked/removed my tweets from search. After some shout outs on Twitter, it appeared… Read more Thank you Twitter, for showing my tweets in search again

Anne Helmond is…

This post is inspired by Alex Halavais’ post Halavais is…. where Havalais listed “some of Google’s opinion of me via a search for “halavais is,” “halavais was,” and “halavais will be.” ” It reminded me of the iTea project made at the RFID Hacker’s Camp 2007: iTea is an interactive installation in the form of… Read more Anne Helmond is…

Second Open-Search Workshop

For your info: What: Second Open-Search Workshop When: Saturday April 28, 2007, 13.00h CET, 11.00h GMT, 06.00h EST, 4.00h EET, 01.00h HST, 04.00h MSTDuration: official program will be 4 hours Where (physical): CREA, room 204, Turfdraagsterpad 17, 1012 XT Amsterdam (route: Where (virtual): Cost: free attendance, free drinks More info: If you… Read more Second Open-Search Workshop

Google VS Microsoft. De strijd om de standaard in zoekmachineland

Samenvatting Google is op dit moment de onbetwiste marktleider in zoekmachineland en deze positie lijkt onaantastbaar. De vraag is echter of dit wel zo is. Microsoft introduceerde onlangs zijn vernieuwde zoekmachine Live Search waarmee de aanval op de dominante positie van Google wordt ingezet. Deze strijd doet denken aan de browseroorlog uit de jaren negentig… Read more Google VS Microsoft. De strijd om de standaard in zoekmachineland