There are several plugins for WordPress that will turn your blog into a Flickr photo album. I will discuss the following three plugins:
Flickr Photo Album for WordPress
This was the first plugin I found and it is quite good. It automatically removes your blog sidebar to use the whole width of your blog to display albums and photos. However the display of the albums and photos seems a bit chaotic and I don´t want to dive too deep into the CSS to change it. What is nice about this plugin is that you are able to browse through your Flickr photos and albums while writing a post. The plugin adds a Flickr browse menu next to your Upload/Browse tabs and you can quickly insert your pictures in various sizes in your post. It also makes it very easy to display your photos in your sidebar on your main page that link to the pictures in your album on your blog. What I don’t like about the plugin though are the urls it creates, for example: and the fact that it changed the urls from my tagcloud from /tag/tagname to gallery/tagname.
Slickr Gallery
I didn’t actually install this plugin because it seemed very slow at the demo site. It is an AJAX based photo gallery and the name probably comes from the fact that it looks and feels very slick. Unlike the description that it is a”very fast, light, bandwidth-friendly AJAX photo gallery plugin” the pages and photos to load very slowly. Too slow for me. I’m also not a very big fan of lightboxes but this plugin looks very nice for those who want a slick display.
This plugin seems to have a lot of things I am looking for. I really like the display of the albums and the photos and it creates beautiful URLs (if you enable rewrite). You can easily integrate the theme into your current WordPress theme by following the instructions. The navigation is very good and I like the clean and minimalistic look.
I configured FAlbum to display the pictures at /photos/and then I created a page called Photos which then links to my albums.
I really like the Flickr Photo Album for it´s easy browsing and posting of Flickr photos in a blog post and the sidebar. In the end clean urls and a very clean look and good navigation made me decide to use FAlbum. Because FAlbum doesn´t come with a Flickr display for your sidebar I installed a separate plugin, the Flickr Widget Plugin for Your WordPress Sidebar.
Which gallery works best for you depends on your requirements but all these galleries work very well.
I’m a real fan of Flickr Tag:
It enables you to post individual photo’s, sets and series based on tags. It only uses Flickr’s thumbnails and photo’s (no storage on your own server).
Thanks for the tip. It looks like a great and useful plugin.
I’m using Flickr Photo Album plugin currently, but it does not seem to work well under WordPress 2.7. I wonder if FAlbum works with WordPress 2.7.
I also use FAlbum with WordPress 2.7 and on my Photos page it seems to be working fine. Maybe it has something to do with your theme?
I mean the first one in your list – tantan’s flickr photo album plugin for wordpress.
Ever since I upgraded my WordPress, it stopped working and showed a blank page instead.
I’ve switch to Slickr Gallery and everything seems to be all right. Not that slow or I’m used to the slow connection as always. ^^
Thanks for your info, though.