Published: Historical website ecology. Analyzing past states of the web using archived source code

My contribution to the edited volume Web 25: Histories from the first 25 Years of the World Wide Web by Niels Brügger on historical source code analysis has officially been published! In this chapter I offer a historical perspective on the changing composition of a website over time. I propose to see the website as… Read more Published: Historical website ecology. Analyzing past states of the web using archived source code

Slides: Track the Trackers Workshop. Digital Methods Summer School 2012 #dmi12

Together with colleague Carolin Gerlitz I gave a workshop on Track the Trackers (based on our previous work) at the Digital Methods Summer School 2012. Introduction: In this short workshop you will learn how to map the cookie ecology related to a set of websites using the DMI Tracker Tracker tool and Gephi. The Tracker… Read more Slides: Track the Trackers Workshop. Digital Methods Summer School 2012 #dmi12

Trackers gebruikt op de websites van Nederlandse politieke partijen in kaart gebracht

Naar aanleiding van een artikel van Marjolein Kampschreur over de nieuwe cookiewet in Nederland en de implementatie van cookies door Nederlandse politieke partijen op hun websites besloot ik met behulp van onze Track the Trackers tool het gebruik van trackers als beacons, cookies, plugins, widgets en analytics op de websites van Nederlandse politieke partijen kaart… Read more Trackers gebruikt op de websites van Nederlandse politieke partijen in kaart gebracht

Visualizing Facebook’s Alternative Fabric of the Web

On March 9, Carolin Gerlitz and I presented our paper Reworking the fabric of the web: The Like economy at the Unlike Us conference in Amsterdam. We showed the outcome of some empirical work, building on a previous Winterschool project with the Digital Methods Initiative called Track the Trackers. For Unlike Us we visualized the… Read more Visualizing Facebook’s Alternative Fabric of the Web