Meta studies: Visualizing Lev Manovich’ article ‘What is Visualization?’

Being very meta: Visualizing Lev Manovich’ new article ‘What is Visualization?‘ in a tag cloud: Tag cloud exemplifies a broad method that can be called media visualization: creating new visual representations from the actual visual media objects, or their parts. […] In view of our discussion of data reduction principle, we can also call this… Read more Meta studies: Visualizing Lev Manovich’ article ‘What is Visualization?’

The Like, the Share and the (Re)Tweet as pre-configured links

Within my research I am currently focussing on the notion of links as the currency of the Web (Walker 2002) and to what extend that still holds up in Web 2.0. Together with Carolin Gerlitz from Goldsmith, University of London we are investigation to what extent the Like, the Share and the (re)Tweet are new… Read more The Like, the Share and the (Re)Tweet as pre-configured links

Twitter acknowledged as a small piece of the mosaic of humanity

A few hours ago the following tweet by @librarycongress appeared in my timeline  “Library acquires ENTIRE Twitter archive. ALL tweets. More info here” All your tweets are belong to us This is big. The ENTIRE archive containing ALL tweets? But if we read the official announcement on the Library of Congress blog it states… Read more Twitter acknowledged as a small piece of the mosaic of humanity

How I love Thingumabobs!

I love widgets, those easy drag-and-drop plugins, copy-paste pieces of code that form customizable apps. But I think I’m just going to call them thingumabobs from now on. I just love these synonyms for widget.