Walled Garden: Communities and Networks post Web 2.0 (part 1)

Walled Garden is an international working conference that took place in the Lloyd Hotel, Amsterdam on the 20th and 21st of November 2008. The Digital Methods Initiative participated in the session titled Mapping the Walled Gardens: Digital methods for researching and visualizing networks on the Web, moderated by Sabine Niederer and Richard Rogers. “What happens… Read more Walled Garden: Communities and Networks post Web 2.0 (part 1)

Presenting a new research blog: Lifetracing

I just launched a new blog called “Lifetracing” as part of a research proposal for Networked, a (networked_book) about (networked_art). The research proposal continues where my thesis left off and focuses more on the networked nature of blogs and in particular on lifestreams. An excerpt from the proposal: I am a networked individual, living my… Read more Presenting a new research blog: Lifetracing

Blogs are boring

When I saw Clay Shirky’s appearance on the Colbert Report of the 3rd of April 2008 I wrote down this quote: Communications tools don’t get socially interesting until they get technologically boring. Social effects are more important than just how the technology works. (Clay Shirky) It has stuck to me ever since and when I… Read more Blogs are boring

Bruce Sterling: “The person who comes up with the new buzzword for ‘blog’ should win a Nobel Prize!”

At the Q&A of the Moving Movie Industrie conference someone from the audience asked me what the difference between a journal and a blog is. In my MA thesis I moved away from the genre approach of blogging that often sees blogging as a form of keeping a diary or as a form of journalism.… Read more Bruce Sterling: “The person who comes up with the new buzzword for ‘blog’ should win a Nobel Prize!”

Slides and notes from my presentation at Stifo@Sandberg Moving Movie Industry

Last Friday I gave a lecture on ‘The Perceived Freshness Fetish’ at the Stifo@Sandberg Moving Movie Industry Conference organized by Mieke Gerritzen and moderated by Koert van Mensvoort. In my lecture I focused on the changing notion of authorship in blogging as blogs are more and more becoming autonomous units within the network. This network… Read more Slides and notes from my presentation at Stifo@Sandberg Moving Movie Industry