Rapport over webarchivering erfgoedinstellingen

In samenwerking met collega’s van het Instituut voor Informatierecht (IvIR), heb ik meegeschreven aan een onderzoeksrapport voor het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum, het kennisinstituut voor het ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid, over webarchivering door erfgoedinstellingen: “De culturele erfgoedsector in Nederland heeft de ambitie om websites en andere webcontent voor volgende generaties te verzamelen en bewaren.… Read more Rapport over webarchivering erfgoedinstellingen

Pandemic platform governance: Mapping the global ecosystem of COVID-19 response apps

How have app stores governed the global app response to the coronavirus pandemic? An exploratory systematic mapping of COVID-19 pandemic response apps – A new open access article by Michael Dieter, Anne Helmond, Nathaniel Tkacz, Fernando van der Vlist, and Esther Weltevrede in Internet Policy Review. Abstract This article provides an exploratory systematic mapping of… Read more Pandemic platform governance: Mapping the global ecosystem of COVID-19 response apps

Mapping business and data partnerships in the social media ecosystem

Research article by Fernando van der Vlist and Anne Helmond – An empirical study about the significance of partnerships and how partners mediate and shape platform power published in the open access journal Big Data & Society. Social media platforms are among the world’s most profitable businesses whose business models rely on digital advertising revenues.… Read more Mapping business and data partnerships in the social media ecosystem

Platform and app histories: Assessing source availability in web archives and app repositories

We just presented our forthcoming book chapter on ‘Platform and app histories: Assessing source availability in web archives and app repositories’ at the Engaging with Web Archives (#EWAvirtual) conference. Abstract In this chapter we discuss the research opportunities for historical studies of apps and platforms. Platforms and apps notoriously resist archiving due to their ephemerality… Read more Platform and app histories: Assessing source availability in web archives and app repositories

Legacy systems: internet histories of the abandoned, discontinued and forgotten

Michael Stevenson and I just published a special issue on “Legacy Systems” in the Internet Histories journal. The special issue explores the productive ambiguity of the concept of “legacy systems” in different directions to address the past’s persistence as well as its felt absence. The contributions revolve around a socio-cultural sense of legacy – of… Read more Legacy systems: internet histories of the abandoned, discontinued and forgotten