Online News models visualized by my students

Today, during the New Media course for the first year students at the University of Amsterdam we discussed ‘Citizen Journalism’ (Flew 2008) and ‘From Blogs to Open News: Notes towards a Taxonomy of P2P Publications.’ (Bruns 2003). Concepts such as gatewatching, gatekeeping and open news were central to their assignment.

I asked them to look at the online news models presented by Bruns (2003) and Deuze (2003) to use as a starting point to create their own online news models. They had to try and place the following news sites in their own models:

It proved to be a very effective and efficient method to discuss the characteristics of each of the news sites.

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7 thoughts on “Online News models visualized by my students

    1. In human communication, in particular, in journalism, gatekeeping is the process through which ideas and information are filtered for publication. (Wikipedia)

      Gatekeeping gebeurt vaak bij “traditionele” news outlets terwijl er online bij sites zoals Digg het fenomeen gatewatching plaatsvindt:

      The term ‘gatewatching’, which describes the practice of observing and commenting on other sites’ news that is common in citizen journalism, originates from Axel’s 2005 book Gatewatching: Collaborative Online News Production.


  1. Ik vind de vierde het duidelijkst ;) haha het was een leuke ochtend en leuk om zo met iets vrij lastigs bezig te zijn!tot over 2 weken!

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