Unfortunately Mozilla is not quite coorporating in the New Year. After an odd semi-system crash all my Mozilla applications have returned to their default settings with my personal settings nowhere to be found. Firefox still displays my installed add-ons but all my bookmarks and shortcuts are gone.
Worst of all Thunderbird crashed. The e-mail in the program is gone, but also in the C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\default\xxxxxxxx.slt\Mail
directory. I have no idea what happened and regular solutions to recover my e-mail seem of no avail. I should have a backup from October somewhere so I will try to retrieve that but if that works I still lost my e-mail from the past few months.
I am sorry if I am not responding to your e-mail, it’s gone :( I will be wrapping up my thesis this month. I finished the first version and received some really useful feedback. While I am trying to recover my e-mail and finish my thesis things are going to continue to be quiet here. In the meantime I am still blogging weekly at the Blog Herald. See you soon!
Sorry to hear about your e-mail :( FireFox makes backups of the bookmarks, somewhere in the same cryptic directory as above — Also if I remeber correctly, Thunderbird stores its data somewhere in C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Application Data\Thunderbird\profiles\…. (Not entirely sure though, it may also be a subdir of the Mozilla directory — I haven’t used T-bird in quite a while though), so maybe there’s a little chance of getting your e-mail back after all (Don’t get your hopes up too high though ;))
Good luck with wrapping up your thesis! I’m not exactly in the “wrapping-up” phase yet (experiments will continue to run fro about two weeks), but I’m also set to complete it at the end of this month :D
Happy new year! Good luck with your thesis and you mail, hope it will work out!
Happy 2008 & good luck on your thesis. Losing e-mail sucks, so I only use IMAP nowadays (which also keeps a copy on the server). I know it’s no help to you at this moment :(
I followed the instructions for Recovering a profile that suddenly disappeared and managed to get my old e-mail back.
I’m only missing about 15 e-mails from today that are stuck in some other profile. My profiles and mailboxes are such a mess now that I do not dare to touch them to try to recover my final 15 mails. I’m too happy I got my mail back after a day of following tons of instructions. I don’t quite actually remember how I solved the issue but I think I copied my Local Folders to a different directory and loaded them into a new profile.
Wow,Are you in a university of Netherlands?
I think I should call you sister,Aha.
I’m senior student of China,If all the things going well,I will going to university to,aha.
Hope be back.
@Breyten Good luck with your thesis too!
I am currently seeking someone with a free weekend who would love to read my thesis and provide me with some feedback so drop me a comment if you’re interested in “Blogging for Engines. Blogs under the Influence of Software-Engine Relations.” It deals with the increasing symbiotic relationship between blog software and blog engines (such as Google Blog Search and Technorati) and how the engines influence the blog, blogger, blog software and the blogosphere.
Maybe I should make that a new post :)
He Annie!
Ik heb je geemaild dat ik het leuk vind om binnenkort te eten voor nieuw jaar. Es vertelde me dat het waarchijnlijk volgende week wordt in plaats van dit weekend, dus tot snel!!
hny! X
send me an email with your thesis. If i can find a connecion here I will dl and read + comment on it.
Happy NY! e