I just passed the thousand bookmarks on my del.icio.us account and the winner of the number 1000 entry is: Semapedia.org as recommended in a comment by Erik. Close candidates were: number 999: Quickeo – Private file sharing with a simple email! and number 1001: Code bloat – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I started using del.icio.us on December 9, 2005 and my first bookmark ever was appropriately titled Tagging: What is it Good For – Part 2. In the meanwhile I have discovered what tagging and del.icio.us are good for. I bookmark pretty much everything that I come across and find interesting. This has resulted in 35 objects that I have tagged ‘toread’ and still haven’t found time for to actually read. I tag my objects with whatever I think is relevant and I use a lot of tags instead of just a few. My associative thinking might change and the more relevant keywords I use the more chance I have of finding it back. I love the recommended tags and popular tags features and I use them quite often.
The only thing I don’t properly do is bundle my tags. I bundled a few tags for some university courses but the rest is a big gigantic unorganized list. Usually I can find everything in this huge unorganized list thanks to my abundant use of tags and associative thinking.
What I hardly use are the ‘links for you,’ I received only one link ever and it looked more like spam. I also hardly ever post links for the people in my network. The network is a good way to keep track of what your friends, class mates and likeminded people find interesting and now and then I just scroll through their list to see if anything interesting has been posted.
What I would love to see is the option to sort your list by frequent use. There are sites that I bookmark and frequently access through del.icio.us such as a bicycle route mapping site for Amsterdam. They have an URL I can’t seem to remember but whenever I go to del.icio.us I just search for bicycle, click and I’m done. I could bundle these sites or tag them with popular but I think it would be really interesting to display which bookmarks you revisit and how often. Because that is the whole purpose right, to bookmark sites for future reference? Nothing prevents you from bookmarking tons of sites but at one point you might want to clean up and delete those sites you have never revisited.
Usage data would be interesting indeed. But the sites you frequently use also change over time, so it would need to cater for that. Also, there’s consequences for privacy and things like that, but I can live with that ;).
I have learned to live with(in) the limitations of (online/offline) privacy :)
Yes indeed, revisiting sites might change over time, but a current overview would help me a lot. A general timeline would be very interesting and might help you sort out your bookmarks. Do we need to sort out our bookmarks? Or can we just keep going until we reach 10.000?
Hey Anne, I feel honoured to have recommended you your 1000th del.icio.us link :) Although I’ve been using it since november 2004, I just got to my 1005th link :)
My 1001th link (I like palindromes, I’m a nerd – euhm geek) was the article on interpassivity from Zizek. Because of the nice coincidence with the wishes in your post I propse the following:
There are actually quite some firefox extensions synchronizing your bookmarks with your delicious account. If you feel like using one of them, tell me which one you like most, and I’ll extend it with your feature; thus making it interpassive for you :)
Speaking of coincidences, did you know I was supposed to read Žižek – The Interpassive Subject for yesterday’s class? Hence the *supposed* but I am going to catch up this weekend because class was postponed.
I’m currently using the regular delicious Firefox v1.2 extension. I just noticed they released a new one, but it has a big and long End User License Agreement and I disabled my Whatever button so I’m sticking to v1.2 :)
Are you going to be a professional Firefox addon tweaker from now on? That would be great :) Are you serious about extending it? That would be incredible!
I’m serious :)
Another thing, which is related to the revisiting issue, is that I often want to bookmark sites that I have already bookmarked in the past. There is no way to change the revise the posted date, only the tags/description and notes. Not that I actually want to revise the post date, but it is obviously a website that is more important than others. Maybe if you attempt to bookmark a site twice its popularity/revisiting status should be changed?
Anyway, coffee? :)