Over liveness, realtime en de politieke economie van sociale media platformen op Radio Swammerdam, AmsterdamFM

Deze ochtend was ik samen met Dr. Karin van Es (UU) te gast bij Radio Swammerdam, het wetenschapsprogramma van AmsterdamFM, om te praten over liveness, realtime, APIs en de politieke economie van sociale media platformen. Karin sprak over haar proefschrift ‘The Paradox of Liveness. From the Broadcast Media Era to the Social Media Era’ (vanaf 09:26 minuten) en… Read more Over liveness, realtime en de politieke economie van sociale media platformen op Radio Swammerdam, AmsterdamFM

The Platformization of the Web: Making Web Data Platform Ready

My article on ‘The Platformization of the Web: Making Web Data Platform Ready‘ has been published in the first issue of the new (open access) journal Social Media + Society. Abstract In this article, I inquire into Facebook’s development as a platform by situating it within the transformation of social network sites into social media… Read more The Platformization of the Web: Making Web Data Platform Ready