Mapping business and data partnerships in the social media ecosystem

Research article by Fernando van der Vlist and Anne Helmond – An empirical study about the significance of partnerships and how partners mediate and shape platform power published in the open access journal Big Data & Society. Social media platforms are among the world’s most profitable businesses whose business models rely on digital advertising revenues.… Read more Mapping business and data partnerships in the social media ecosystem

Social Media and Platform Historiography: Challenges and Opportunities

We just published a new article (open access🔓) on doing historical platform studies: Anne Helmond and Fernando van der Vlist (2019) “Social Media and Platform Historiography: Challenges and Opportunities.” TMG – Journal for Media History 22(1): 6–34. Abstract In this article, we propose a methodological outlook for historical platform studies to increase the prominence… Read more Social Media and Platform Historiography: Challenges and Opportunities

Call for Abstracts — Special Issue on Apps and Infrastructures

Special Issue on Apps and Infrastructures edited by Carolin Gerlitz, Anne Helmond, David Nieborg, and Fernando van der Vlist We invite submissions for a special issue of Computational Culture, a Journal of Software Studies, on “Apps and Infrastructures”. Excerpt This special issue of Computational Culture welcomes proposals and projects from scholars and practitioners from across different… Read more Call for Abstracts — Special Issue on Apps and Infrastructures

Published: The Affordances of Social Media Platforms

My co-authored chapter on social media and affordances with Taina Bucher has officially been published! Download the pre-publication print PDF, June 2016. Bucher T and Helmond A (2018) The Affordances of Social Media Platforms. In: Burgess J, Poell T, and Marwick A (eds), The SAGE Handbook of Social Media, London: SAGE Publications, pp. 233–253. Please… Read more Published: The Affordances of Social Media Platforms

The Political Economy of Social Data: A Historical Analysis of Platform–Industry Partnerships

David Nieborg, Fernando van der Vlist and I would like to circulate the pre-print of our conference paper on ‘The Political Economy of Social Data: A Historical Analysis of Platform–Industry Partnerships’. [PDF: SMSociety17_paper_138_preprint.pdf]. Abstract Social media platform–industry partnerships are essential to understanding the politics and economics of social data circulating among platforms and third parties. Using Facebook as a… Read more The Political Economy of Social Data: A Historical Analysis of Platform–Industry Partnerships

Over liveness, realtime en de politieke economie van sociale media platformen op Radio Swammerdam, AmsterdamFM

Deze ochtend was ik samen met Dr. Karin van Es (UU) te gast bij Radio Swammerdam, het wetenschapsprogramma van AmsterdamFM, om te praten over liveness, realtime, APIs en de politieke economie van sociale media platformen. Karin sprak over haar proefschrift ‘The Paradox of Liveness. From the Broadcast Media Era to the Social Media Era’ (vanaf 09:26 minuten) en… Read more Over liveness, realtime en de politieke economie van sociale media platformen op Radio Swammerdam, AmsterdamFM