Meta studies: Visualizing Lev Manovich’ article ‘What is Visualization?’

Being very meta: Visualizing Lev Manovich’ new article ‘What is Visualization?‘ in a tag cloud: Tag cloud exemplifies a broad method that can be called media visualization: creating new visual representations from the actual visual media objects, or their parts. […] In view of our discussion of data reduction principle, we can also call this… Read more Meta studies: Visualizing Lev Manovich’ article ‘What is Visualization?’

Software Takes Command by Lev Manovich

Lev Manovich published a .doc and .pdf of his upcoming book Software Takes Command online. You may download it, send in suggestions and remarks and design your own cover. Here’s my design for Software Takes Command by Lev Manovich using an image I took while visiting the Software Studies Workshop led by Manovich at UCSD.