Video and slides from the Hacking Journalism event at SETUP Utrecht (in Dutch)

I was invited to present tools from the Digital Methods Initiative at the Hacking Journalism event organized by SETUP Utrecht. In 12 minutes I presented our approach, tools, possible user case scenarios and an example of the operationalization of a research question. Here are the slides and video registration from my – very dense –… Read more Video and slides from the Hacking Journalism event at SETUP Utrecht (in Dutch)

Session 4: New Formats for Presenting Information and Stories

Stijn DeBrouwere: Information Architecture for News We’re not using the implicit structure of news articles to inform the readers. Burt Herman – Hacking the News Applying computer science to journalism Https:// The story as data. Standard in computer science: Object-oriented programming and model-view-controller (MVC), but how to apply it to a story? Dissect the story:… Read more Session 4: New Formats for Presenting Information and Stories

Session 3: Storytelling with Data

Cynthia O’Murchu (Investigative Reporter), The Financial Times     The era of the innumerate journalist is over. Is the era of technology-averse journalist also heading to a close? WikiLeaks, Scraperwiki, and other organisations advocating transparancy. But (how) will journalists and media handle it? Rhetoric versus reality: Open government … But data is not always… Read more Session 3: Storytelling with Data

Frank van Ham (IBM) – Data Visualization in Journalism

Van Ham was part of the IBM team who developed and created Many Eyes.  Data visualization is the use of: computer-supported, interactive, visual representations of data (to “amplify cognition”).  “Cognition amplificators” Any representation technique that allows you to distort the truth is a medium. Data visualization as such is a medium and people have used… Read more Frank van Ham (IBM) – Data Visualization in Journalism