Pandemic platform governance: Mapping the global ecosystem of COVID-19 response apps

How have app stores governed the global app response to the coronavirus pandemic? An exploratory systematic mapping of COVID-19 pandemic response apps – A new open access article by Michael Dieter, Anne Helmond, Nathaniel Tkacz, Fernando van der Vlist, and Esther Weltevrede in Internet Policy Review. Abstract This article provides an exploratory systematic mapping of… Read more Pandemic platform governance: Mapping the global ecosystem of COVID-19 response apps

Regramming the Platform: Infrastructural Relations between Apps and Social Media

We just published a new article (open access🔓): Carolin Gerlitz, Anne Helmond, Fernando van der Vlist, and Esther Weltevrede (alphabetical). “Regramming the Platform: Infrastructural Relations between Apps and Social Media.” Computational Culture 7 (2019). Abstract In this article, we empirically analyse the infrastructural relations between mobile apps and social media platforms and present a… Read more Regramming the Platform: Infrastructural Relations between Apps and Social Media

NWO Veni grant for ‘App ecosystems: A critical history of apps’

It’s official! I’ve been awarded a NWO Veni grant for my research proposal to examine the app ecosystem and write a critical history of apps. From the official press release: “The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant worth up to 250,000 euros to 154 researchers who have recently obtained their… Read more NWO Veni grant for ‘App ecosystems: A critical history of apps’