Coparck – CD Presentation
Last night Coparck did a showcase for their new album The 3rd Album at Club 3voor12. I photographed the show for NLpop. More pictures on Flickr and read NLpop’s review here.
Associate Professor of Media, Data & Society
Last night Coparck did a showcase for their new album The 3rd Album at Club 3voor12. I photographed the show for NLpop. More pictures on Flickr and read NLpop’s review here.
New Year in Ségur le Château, France, more pictures on Flickr.
My microwave gave me a nice error today.
The Masters of Media are blogging (semi) live from the MyCreativity conference:
Staalplaat with Bas van Koolwijk at the Sensoralia festival 2006 in Brancaleone in Rome. I had a great weekend in Rome with Eliane Roest who curated the Dutch audiovisual showcase for the festival. I helped her out technically by making the DVD. More photos on Flickr.
Meet my databody: Futurism vs Passeism The data body is the total collection of files connected to an individual. (Critical Art Ensemble) I uploaded my iTunes playlist to the Paraplay server at home, thus feeding the Paraplay database with my favorite songs and recently played songs. My songs, amongst the other songs of attending people,… Read more Paraplay in Paradiso photos