Visualization: Amazon recommendation network for “Software Studies: A Lexicon”

I recently came across a post on O’Reilly that highlighted Christopher Warnow’s network visualization for the book A Thousand Milieus. Warnow created a tool using Processing, based on the Gephi API, that retrieves the Amazon recommendation network for a book. You can download the tool, input your own book and visualize the recommendation network. The tool allows… Read more Visualization: Amazon recommendation network for “Software Studies: A Lexicon”

Digital Methods Winterschool 2012: APIs – Variations and Change

After the introduction to APIs and API critiques Bernard Rieder talked about APIs from the perspective of  “Variation and Change.” This transcript is compiled from collaborative notes by the Digital Methods Initiative. API: a means and protocol for two systems to exchange data and functionality. APIs can be seen as data sources and as objects of… Read more Digital Methods Winterschool 2012: APIs – Variations and Change

Digital Methods Winterschool 2012: APIs as Interfaces to the Cloud

From 25-27 January 2012 we held our fourth annual Winter School with the theme “Interfaces for the Cloud: Curating the Data.” The first day consisted of paper presentations and responses/feedback. The second day we collaboratively kicked off a workshop on API critique where I started with an introduction to APIs and API critiques, followed by… Read more Digital Methods Winterschool 2012: APIs as Interfaces to the Cloud

Video Bobcatsss 2012: The Like Economy and the Politics of Data in the Social Web

On the 23rd of January I had the honor to give a keynote lecture at the Bobcatsss 2012 conference. I talked about ‘The Like Economy and the Politics of Data in the Social Web’ based on a co-authored paper with Carolin Gerlitz titled ‘Hit, Link, Like and Share. Organizing the social and the fabric of the web… Read more Video Bobcatsss 2012: The Like Economy and the Politics of Data in the Social Web