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reviews and interviews

Comments from those who have seen and heard: ERIC'S TRIP

"a moody, grungy band, their live show is always frantic, manic and inventive. Their light show consists
of two bulbs on either side of the stage"

"I like them a lot, but in small doses. I find if I listen to them any longer then 45 min. to an hour all 
their songs start to sound the same. They have absolutely no stage presense, but still fun to watch.
Even though everyone says that it suits their style, I don't entirely agree with their production
values on their records. Love Tara sounded not to bad though."

"Rave, Rave, Rave, these guys are the coolest band, the coolest. They write very personal songs,
they go from sparse to tsuanami of sound. They don't jump around much, except once in a while
Julie hops up and down at the begining of song, once I saw Rick weaving back and forth in front
of his amp, but that's about as showy as they get, and as I want. Mark is a super drummer, 'a
@#$*@@@ machine', Nancy of Bite once said. Chris is even quieter than Rick.
They put everything into their songs."

"They're from Moncton, for God's sake. I hope you educate everybody out there that they are not
from Halifax. Their music is a surreal mix of breathy harmonic vocals and delicate folk melodies
interspersed with guitars and drums that make you feel like you'll slide off your seat if they stop now."

"The reigning champions of lo-fi dope ballad/crunch rock post-everything pop. like sebadoh without the

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