Visualization of the top 25 Twitter cities in the Netherlands

Credits: Michiel Berger (@michielb), Anne Helmond (@silvertje), Marvin de Reuver (@marvindereuver), Esther Weltevrede (@esthr) A few days ago Marvin Reuver and I received data about the number of Twitter users per city in the Netherlands from Michiel Berger from the Twittergids. The Twittergids contains 238,000 registered Twitter users in the Netherlands as of January 14,… Read more Visualization of the top 25 Twitter cities in the Netherlands

Snapshot of the Dutch Blogosphere December 2010

This map provides an insight into the linking practices of a part of the Dutch blogosphere. Download full map as PDF. Starting points provided by Bert Brussen’s blogpost (including comments) calling for “weblogs that matter anno 2010.” This is not the “whole” Dutch blogosphere, it maps the interlinking practices of the blogs of the startinglist.… Read more Snapshot of the Dutch Blogosphere December 2010

The Evolution of The Blogger Visualization, but what happened to the history of the linklog?

Beautiful infographic of The Evolution of The Blogger by Flowtown – Social Media Marketing Application. There’s one thing that bugs me though: It presents three types of blog formats (the photoblog, the vlog and the linklog) as ‘new blog forms’ that came out of the above mentioned type of bloggers. However, the linklog is one of… Read more The Evolution of The Blogger Visualization, but what happened to the history of the linklog?

Mapping the Dutch Blogosphere at Mapping Ignite

On July 9th, Esther Weltevrede and I presented our ongoing research on the Dutch Blogosphere at the Mediamatic Mapping Ignite event. Here are the slides and notes from our 5 minute superfast and condensed informational Ignite talk on researching and mapping the Dutch Blogosphere. [slideshare id=5295234&doc=mediamaticblogosphere-100927041158-phpapp02] Slide 1: Hi, I’m Anne and this is Esther… Read more Mapping the Dutch Blogosphere at Mapping Ignite

The Like, the Share and the (Re)Tweet as pre-configured links

Within my research I am currently focussing on the notion of links as the currency of the Web (Walker 2002) and to what extend that still holds up in Web 2.0. Together with Carolin Gerlitz from Goldsmith, University of London we are investigation to what extent the Like, the Share and the (re)Tweet are new… Read more The Like, the Share and the (Re)Tweet as pre-configured links